萧邦集团包含位于瑞士的萧邦母公司“Le Petit-Fils de L.-U. Chopard & Cie SA” 及其附属公司(以下简称“萧邦”、“我们”、“我方”)。我们承诺保护您的隐私并持续优化为您提供的各项服务。
我们会通过以下多种途径和情况来收集与您相关(作为自然人)或能让我们对您进行识别的个人信息(以下简称“个人信息”) :
- 浏览任意一个萧邦平台,特别是在网站注册或填写网站的“联系我们”表格;
- 访问我们的精品店、销售点或办公处;
- 购买萧邦作品或要求客户服务;
- 通过电子邮件或电话与我们展开互动;
- 在我们的精品店、客服中心或在参加萧邦活动时填写包含顾客表格(打印版或电子版)在内的任一表格;
- 通过我们的个别商务和广告合作伙伴(在获得您明确同意的前提下)。
- 与您的身份相关的信息(姓名、性别、生日、国籍);
- 联系信息(邮政地址、电子邮箱和电话号码);
- 与您的称谓相关的信息;
- 在购买和交易时提交的信息(银行卡信息和根据反洗钱法相关要求所提交的信息);
- 其他个人信息,其中包括与您的偏好和个人及/或职业兴趣有关的信息、人口统计资料、与萧邦作品相关的体验和联系偏好,以及您的职业情况(职位名称、公司/雇主、职业联系信息)、您的爱好(运动、业余活动)和生活方式;
- 客服信息(如客服申请、评价、反馈、投诉和维修记录);
- 与您的应聘申请相关的信息(学历,培训经历和职业经历)。
- 通过置于您设备上的Cookie或类似技术,收集与萧邦平台使用相关的信息,其中包括您的IP地址,或其他浏览数据(包括所使用的浏览器和设备类型)。一些cookies是萧邦平台正常运行所必需的,一些是用于分析目的,以帮助我们为您提供更加个性化的服务和更好的数字体验。如需了解与cookies相关的信息或如何更改您的偏好,请查阅我们的Cookie使用政策。
- 通过萧邦的精品店、销售点或办公处的视频监控系统所拍摄的影像;
- 您通过社交网站所公开分享的信息,无论是否作为与萧邦互动的一部分。
- 您已经因一个或多个特定目的而明确同意我们处理您的某些个人数据,(特定目的如使用萧邦网站、接收电子通讯、通过“联系我们”表格让我们与您取得联系);
- 需要处理信息以履行合同(与购物、维修申请或其他服务相关),或在履行此类合同之前,根据您的请求而采取某些程序;
- 需根据我们遵从的法律规定来处理信息;
- 需以维护我们的合法利益(如安全目的)为目的来处理信息。
3.1 我们可能会将您提供的个人信息用于以下目的:
Purpose |
Type of Personal Data collected |
Grounds for the collection |
Retention period |
Sending you invitations to events and communications about Chopard by post |
Information about your identity, civil status and contact information |
Chopard’s legitimate interest: we have a legitimate interest in contacting you by limited methods as a current client of Chopard. |
This data will be retained for this purpose for a maximum of 3 years after your last purchase or your last contact with Chopard (e.g., opening a client account). |
Sending you the Chopard e-newsletter and other electronic communications so that you will be the first to know about our creations, events, initiatives, and exclusive services |
Information about your identity, civil status and contact information |
Consent: you have asked to receive our newsletter and other electronic communications by checking the box provided for that purpose on our website or on our Client Form. |
This data will be retained for this purpose unless you withdraw your consent. We will contact you regularly to make sure that you still want to receive our communications. |
Sending you satisfaction surveys to improve your experience at Chopard |
Information about your identity, contact information and information in relation to purchases or requests. |
Chopard’s legitimate interest: we have a legitimate interest in asking your opinion on your Boutique experience following a purchase. Consent: if you are not a client, following a Boutique visit. |
This data will be retained for this purpose for a maximum of 3 years after your last purchase or request. |
Creating a summary of your preferences based on information that you have provided as well as your purchase history, whether or not in connection with sending targeted advertising |
Information about your identity, contact information, information about purchases, your preferences and personal and/or professional interests and information about your use of Chopard Platforms. |
Consent: in the event of targeted advertising, when you have agreed to this type of analytics via the cookie control tool and other targeting technologies. Chopard’s legitimate interest: aside from targeted advertising, it is in our legitimate interest to better understand our clients and address them effectively. |
Please see our cookies policy on this subject to find out the retention period for cookies and other technologies used by us. This data will be retained for this purpose for a maximum of 3 years after your last purchase or your last contact with Chopard (opening a client account). |
Creating custom audiences in order to show you (and where applicable, other users who have a similar profile to yours) on third-party applications and/or social networks, targeted advertising of our products and services, depending on your interests and personal preferences |
Information about your identity, contact information, information in relation to purchases, your preferences and personal and/or professional interests and information about your use of Chopard Platforms |
Consent: you have agreed to this type of analytics via the cookie control tool and other targeting technologies. |
Please see our cookies policy on this subject to find out the retention period for cookies and other technologies used by us. |
Measuring and optimizing our targeted advertising on third-party applications and/or social networks |
Information about your identity, contact information, information in relation to purchases, your preferences and personal and/or professional interests, and information about your use of Chopard Platforms (in particular conversion events) |
Consent: you have agreed to this type of analytics via the cookie control tool and other targeting technologies. |
Please see our cookies policy on this subject to find out the retention period for cookies and other technologies used by us. |
Processing your orders, purchases and deliveries |
Information about your identity, contact information and information in relation to purchases |
Performance of a contract |
This data will be retained for the period that is necessary for the performance of the purchase contract binding us and for 10 years after performance of said contract. |
Providing you with customer service |
Information about your identity, contact information and information in relation to purchases |
Performance of a contract |
This data will be retained for the period that is necessary for the performance of the purchase contract binding us and for 10 years after performance of said contract. |
Providing you with information on products, services and Chopard Platforms and responding to any other requests |
Information about your identity, contact information and information sent as part of your request |
Chopard’s legitimate interest: we have a legitimate interest in providing you with this information and responding to your requests. |
This data will be retained for this purpose for a maximum of 10 years after your last purchase or your last contact with Chopard (opening a client account) or for 3 years only after your request, if you are not a client. |
Managing, maintaining and optimizing the Chopard Platforms, providing support and security services |
Information about the use of the Chopard Platforms |
Chopard’s legitimate interest: we have a legitimate interest in offering you an optimal experience on our Chopard Platforms and making sure that your transactions are secure. Your consent:for processing that is not strictly necessary for the operation of our Chopard Platforms |
Please see our cookies policy on this subject to find out the retention period for cookies and other technologies used by us. |
Preventing fraud and other prohibited or illegal activities and guaranteeing the safety and security of our Chopard Platforms, Boutiques and offices |
Information about your identity, contact information and video surveillance system footage from Chopard’s Boutiques, points of sale and offices |
Chopard’s legitimate interest |
The data collected during your visit to Chopard’s office(s) will be retained for 6 months after your last visit. The data collected from our video surveillance system will be retained for 30 days. |
Complying with our billing and accounting requirements and other legal or regulatory obligations (e.g. anti-money laundering legislation) |
Information about your identity, contact information and information in relation to payments |
Legal obligations: these require us to retain your data for a certain period. |
This data will be retained for 10 years for accounting purposes, or even longer depending on the type of obligation or in the event of a dispute. |
- 服务供应商:我们的业务运营需要服务供应商支持时(例如,交付作品,允许支付授权,组织活动或发送我们的萧邦电子快讯,支持、管理和维护我们的萧邦平台,降低风险,防止欺诈和促进信任与安全);
- 法院、监管机构或其他第三方:在法律要求下,或与法律诉讼或程序有关时,或为了打击欺诈时。
When we share your Personal Data under the circumstances described hereinabove, we may transfer it to a destination outside Switzerland or the European Union. In any case, such transfers will be only executed if the competent authorities have confirmed the adequacy of the country's level of protection or if we can offer you other appropriate safeguards. You can obtain additional information on the appropriate safeguards by contacting us (see the section “How can you contact us?” below).
- 查阅权:您有权查阅所收集与您相关的个人信息类别以及此类个人信息的处理方式;
- 修改权:您有权要求修改不正确的个人信息;
萧邦的管理方为Le petit-fils de L.U.Chopard & Cie SA, rue de Veyrot 8, 1217 Meyrin 1, Switzerland。
- 通过“联系我们”表格 ;
- 通过电子邮件:dataprotection.office@chopard.ch,或致函至:Chopard Data Protection Officer, Rue de Veyrot 8, 1217 Meyrin 1, Geneva, Switzerland;
- 在顾客表格中填写撤销授权(仅用于撤销您本人的授权)。
当前的隐私政策(以下简称为“政策”)由在瑞士组成的e Petit-Fils de L.-U. Chopard & Cie S.A., Meyrin公司撰写及发布,一家依据瑞士法律存续的公司,该公司包括萧邦的关联公司(以下简称为“萧邦”及/或“我们”)。其目的在于告知www.chopard.com网站(以下简称为“网站”)的用户(以下简称为“用户”及/或“您”),萧邦如何及为何获取、保存及处理相关数据和信息,例如姓名、地址、电邮地址、电话/传真号码、信用卡信息等(以下简称为“数据”),这些数据和信息会揭示用户的身份,而用户在访问本网站时可能会向我们发送此类数据。
2.1 我们大部分服务不要求任何形式的注册,您无需告诉我们您的身份即可访问我们的网站。不过,某些服务会要求用户注册。当您注册我们的网站时,您可能需要填写特定栏目以及选择用户名和密码。在这种情况下,如果您选择拒绝给予我们所要求的数据,那么您可能无法访问我们网站的某些部分,我们也无法回应您的查询。
2.2 我们收集用户的数据,以便萧邦可以个性化定制本网站的使用、协助本网站的使用以及在总体上改进本网站。我们会收集及使用相关数据,以便为我们的产品或服务开立发票,告知用户有关活动、公告、产品或服务信息,或者为其他目的与用户沟通,例如处理投诉、售后维修追踪等。尤其是,根据用户对数据保护问题的选择,我们会安排由萧邦及认真挑选的第三方向用户发送有关相关产品及服务的信息(参阅第3章)。您可以在任何时候更新您对相关问题的回答。 此外,我们会因为自己内部的统计和运营目的而使用用户数据来改进我们的服务、评估客户的兴趣以及客户的购买及其他趋势,以及更好地确定产品研发、营销策略和客户服务。请注意,我们明确地保留核实用户数据准确性的权力,尤其是联系详情(邮政地址、电子邮件、电话等)、财务信息和购买我们的产品或使用我们的服务等方面的数据。提交个人信息代表用户明确地同意此类使用和核实的做法。 不过,请注意,从我们网站上收集的大部分信息都是匿名的(例如浏览器类型、操作系统以及访问的日期和时间),我们会在不经用户知晓或同意的情况下处理这些信息,从而帮助改进我们网站的内容以及更好地了解我们访客的行为。为此,我们会使用追踪技术(例如cookies,这些小片信息会发送到您的浏览器并保存在您的电脑硬盘中,单独使用这些信息不会揭示您的身份)。
3.1 萧邦不向萧邦以外的第三方出售、出租、共享或以其他方式分发或提供用户数据,除非(i)您事先给予同意(参阅第3.2章节);(ii)您违反本政策或使用条款;(iii)在法律或任何政府部门的要求下;(iv)您需要萧邦执行您所请求的服务(参阅第3.3章节)。
3.2 如果您同意,萧邦会将您的联系详情转交给第三方,之后他们会不时地向您发送筛选后的广告讯息,并且代表萧邦提供您可能感兴趣的信息、优惠及服务。
3.3 相关数据偶尔会被传输给代表萧邦的第三方(例如维修/服务中心),并按照最初收集您数据的用途进行进一步处理。如果因为任何原因而可能或必需向此类第三方披露数据时,我们尽力确保此类第三方对数据提供与萧邦同等程度的保护,同时,在适当的情况下,我们将以合同的形式要求他们在保密和安全的基础上,将所传输的数据仅用于您授权的用途。
3.4 萧邦没有“群发垃圾邮件”的做法。群发垃圾邮件是指反复地向大量个人发送未经请求的、通常为商业性质的电子邮件,发件人与收件人在之前并无联系,或者收件人也未同意接收此类通信。
4.1 我们十分注重保护您信息的安全性,本网站的某些部分会采用SSL或类似的标准对您的数据进行加密。为了增强我们在网上收集的数据的安全性和保密性,我们使用受保护的数据网络,其中也包括,通过行业标准的防火墙和密码保护技术。我们致力于采取所有合理步骤,不允许除得到本政策授权者以外的第三方访问您的数据(参阅第3章)。
4.2 不过,需要注意的是,一般而言互联网并不是一个安全的环境,通过互联网传输的数据无法保证完全安全。
4.3 尽管我们努力保护您的个人信息,但我们无法保证您提供的数据,或者通过我们网站或电子邮件所传输的材料的保密性。因此,对于您的数据在互联网传输途中的安全性,我们不能承担责任。