Happy Sport腕表拥有柔和曲线,堪称制表艺术中的柔美风格杰作。其标志性的舞动钻石犹如华丽舞台,展现改变20世纪女性生活的自由奔放潮流。Happy Sport钻石腕表是首款将钻石的高贵气质与精钢的坚固特性相结合的腕表,独树一帜的设计使其成为连接腕表和珠宝的典范之作。
灵动钻石自1976年由品牌创新呈现。表盘上自由旋转的钻石归功于钻石编舞家的才华和创意巧思。作为首款将高贵钻石与坚韧精钢相结合的腕表,Happy Sport钻石腕表独树一帜的设计使其成为连接腕表和珠宝的典范之作。
“Little diamonds do great things.”
Happy Sport
30毫米、自动上链机芯、玫瑰金、Lucent Steel™精钢、钻石、红宝石
Happy Sport
36毫米、石英机芯、Lucent Steel™精钢、钻石
Happy Sport
25毫米、石英机芯、玫瑰金、Lucent Steel™精钢、钻石
Happy Sport
25毫米、石英机芯、Lucent Steel™精钢、钻石
Happy Sport
33毫米、自动上链机芯、Lucent Steel™精钢、钻石
Happy Sport
29 x 31毫米、自动上链机芯、玫瑰金、Lucent Steel™精钢、钻石
Happy Sport Sun, Moon and Stars
30毫米、自动上链机芯、玫瑰金、Lucent Steel™精钢、钻石
20世纪90年代,卡罗琳·舍费尔设想让Chopard萧邦的Happy Diamond钻石于表盘之上舞动,而非如往常一样作为表盘的一圈装饰。“这毫无可能!”工坊经理回绝了她的要求,打赌每售出一枚腕表就赠她一朵玫瑰。
Happy Sport瑞士腕表广受媒体好评和女性喜爱,成为新的时尚标杆,展现运动时尚的精神!工坊经理最终赠予卡罗琳·舍费尔一片玫瑰花丛。自此,玫瑰花丛一直盛开着提醒人们,这款曾不被看好的腕表融入了往后每一代人的生活。
[Music playing]
[Sound of a projector]
(On-screen text: Why did you create the Happy Sport watch?)
When I invented the Happy Sport, it was mostly because I was doing a lot of sports. That's why the name Sport is there. At Chopard we had the St. Moritz, which was a cool sporty watch. But for me, there was this sort of... sparkle missing, I really wanted something with a bit of sparkle that you could wear for 24 hours, meaning you can go swimming, waterskiing, play tennis, go shopping, take the kids to school, go to the office. And if you have no time, you're dressed because you have little diamonds running around in the cocktail. So, that, for me, was the free spirit, because today's women are always busy doing something, whether it's taking care of six kids or charitable work, whether it’s travelling or working. And this watch is just perfect for it.
(Diamonds slide around the text)
(On-screen text: Chopard)
得益于Chopard萧邦的制表专业知识和垂直整合方法,Happy Sport系列搭载由148个零件组成的Chopard萧邦09.01-C型机芯,具有自动上链和 42小时动力储存,完全由内部设计、开发和生产。
Happy Sport钻石腕表生产的每一个环节,均由内部表厂采用古老的制表和珠宝工艺完成。从贵金属冶炼到Chopard萧邦09.01-C型机芯,以及表壳和金属表链的加工、宝石镶嵌工艺、钻石的舞动编排,Happy Sport腕表凝聚的是来自每一位工匠毫无保留的情感。