[A sustained note in the background]
(On-screen text: Chopard presents)
(Mo opens her watercolour palette and begins to sketch some hydrangeas.)
In my designs, I like to mix Western and Asian cultures. I add many memories of my homeland and the love I feel for my current life.
(On-screen text: ART, from the Latin ARS, ARTIS. Talent, skill, dexterity.)
[Soft piano music plays]
(On-screen text: The word ART becomes ARTISAN.)
(On-screen text: From expertise to emotion. Chopard)
(A black and white graphite sketch of the palm of a hand, surrounded by the words EXPERTISE, CREATIVITY, EMOTION.)
My name is Su Mo and I'm a High Jewellery designer at Chopard.
(A portrait of Mo.)
(On-screen text: Mo, Design Drafting Artisan)
Design enables me to express myself. I always yearned to go to a Fine Art school or something similar. So I bought lots of books. At home, I used to draw in secret and at night. One day, my mother saw all my drawings and exclaimed, "Wow".
(On-screen text: Seeking inspiration through aquarelle drawing)
Afterwards, she bought me some supplies, pens, paper, etc.
(Mo adds colour to the hydrangeas.)
(On-screen text: Exploring and developing ideas through sketches)
(Mo sketches out floral shapes and jewel facets.)
I like lots of things, so it's true that my creations also contain lots of different worlds. Especially colours, I love colours, I think that life is all about colour. Like in life, each one has its own story.
(On-screen text: Sketching the first rough outlines of the necklace)
(As Mo sketches, the floral necklace takes form on the page. She chooses colours and adds pinks, blues and purples to the flowers, with white highlights to add sparkling dew.)
I love that at Chopard, our creativity knows no bounds. When I design something, I can do lots of research. I've always said I couldn't stand being confined in a small box.
(On-screen text: Using transparent watercolours to enhance the final design)
When the piece is finished, we can go back over our work. It's like pruning a tree, so it can be reshaped. If we're confined to a small box when designing something, our creativity is stunted. And afterwards, it's much harder to create exceptional pieces. Traditional Chinese culture has always greatly influenced my artistic inspiration.
(On-screen text: Adding gouache colouring to set the final touch)
I don't want to create anything that's traditionally Chinese or European. I would love these two cultures to converge and coexist harmoniously. We love saying that in China, "harmonious", "yin-yang", the perfect balance.
(Mo's design has been made into a necklace, she lifts it and examines it next to her original work.)
The simplest word is "comfortable", "舒服". It encompasses it all, life, everything, your work, your relationships. When you feel comfortable, it means everything's ok.
(On-screen text: Chopard - The artisan of emotions - Since 1860)
“绘画是我的语言,是我表达自我的方式。 当我充分诠释了自己的想法后,停下笔的那一刻,我的心情是难以言喻的。”
一切从草图、细节、草稿开始,她反复诠释,直到她觉得已经挥洒了全部创意。然后,她在纸上开始绘制最终画作,而此画将成为即将问世的奢华珠宝作品的首张设计图。铅笔、毡尖笔、颜料:从线条浮现,色彩绽放,到纸上生辉。在高级珠宝工坊中,只有别具一格的作品才能问世,图纸将是珠宝在完成三维立体模型之前唯一的具象表现。因此,它是所有手工制模大师的工作基础,他们的工作台上始终摆放着珍贵的设计草图。在此之前,设计图须获得Chopard萧邦联合总裁兼艺术总监卡罗琳·舍费尔(Caroline Scheufele)、工坊总监或专属客户的认可。凭借默(Mo)的才华,每个人都可以开始想象实现这一珠宝愿景时的激动之情。