[A sustained note in the background]
(On-screen text: Chopard presents)
(Beads of gold are poured into a large container)
Some people see me as an alchemist because I transform gold.
(On-screen text: Ethical gold)
(Molten metal glows red hot as it is poured.)
Gold founders are not trained, you learn as you go.
(On-screen text: ART, from the Latin ARS, ARTIS. Talent, skill, dexterity.)
[Soft piano music plays]
(On-screen text: The word ART becomes ARTISAN.)
(On-screen text: From expertise to emotion. Chopard)
(A black and white graphite sketch of the palm of a hand, surrounded by the words EXPERTISE, CREATIVITY, EMOTION.)
I work with my hands a lot.
(A portrait of Paulo.)
(On-screen text: Paulo, Gold Foundry Artisan)
My hands work automatically, but my eye is always watchful.
(On-screen text: Preparing the alloy)
I am the gold founder at Chopard. I stumbled into this profession a little by chance.
(Paulo weighs out different types of metal into different containers.)
We produce our own alloys.
(On-screen text: Copper)
(On-screen text: Gold)
That's really important for Chopard. It allows us to ensure our gold is 100% ethical.
(On-screen text: Filling the crucible)
(Paulo pours the different metals into the crucible and closes the lid.)
You have to be interested in the job. Some people say it's repetitive. But it depends on each person and the emotion a gold bar brings them. Even though it's physical, it's something you have to love. If you don't, you can still do it, but the emotion's missing.
(On-screen text: Melting)
(Close-up of the metals glowing as they heat up and melt into one another.)
When I look into the furnace, I still feel the same emotion, whether it stems from a previous bar I poured, the first or the latest.
(On-screen text: Pouring)
(The glowing liquid metal is poured into a mould.)
(On-screen text: Unmoulding)
(The bar is hung on a chain to cool, then, wearing protective gloves, Paulo releases it from its mould.)
Every bar has its own story.
(On-screen text: Cooling)
(Paulo plunges the bar into a large amount of water.)
[The water bubbles]
I could almost say that someone out there is wearing a piece of jewellery made from my gold. You could see it like that!
(On-screen text: Preparing for lamination)
(A hammer strikes the gold bar which glints in the light.)
[The gold chimes as it is struck]
(On-screen text: Brushing)
(On-screen text: Lamination)
In some way, I help people to dream. In any case, I think, and I'm sure that there's a part of me in every bar.
(The gold bar is flattened in a machine.)
We're here, but not forever. We'll be gone one day. But these noble metals, be they gold, palladium or platinum, will be here forever.
(On-screen text: Compliance check)
(Close-up of Paulo slowly turning over the gold bar, examining its surface.)
(On-screen text: Chopard - The artisan of emotions - Since 1860)
在Chopard萧邦,金原料是所有作品的基础。正是在金质表壳中,我们组装使奢华腕表跳动的机芯;同样,也是在金质戒指和链条上,我们镶嵌珍贵的宝石。但是,我们作品中的金材质因其来源而散发特别的光环:自2018年起,我们作品中使用的所有贵金属皆100%符合萧邦可持续发展和社会责任理念标准。保罗就是坚守这一追求的炼金术士。他因机缘巧合入行,如今已成为才华出众的专业人士。保罗深知,他是品牌中最先接触金原料的手工艺人,这些金原料之后将令佩戴Chopard萧邦作品的男士和女士 光彩照人。自2001年加入萧邦制表工坊以来,这份荣誉一直在激发他的热情。